Eye Bag Treatment

Non-surgical treatment options for under eye bags

Infraorbital fat pads can be a frustrating cosmetic concern for many people. They can be difficult to hide with makeup and can make a person appear tired or older than they actually are. Traditional treatments for infraorbital fat pads have included surgical procedures such as blepharoplasty or fat grafting. However, these procedures come with risks, require downtime, and can be costly.

Non-surgical treatments for infraorbital eye bags offer a safe and effective alternative to traditional surgical procedures. These non-invasive treatments require minimal downtime, are generally less expensive than surgical options, and can provide long-lasting results. Additionally, non-surgical treatments carry fewer risks and complications than surgery, making them a more attractive option for many patients. If you are considering treatment for infraorbital eye bags, it is worth exploring non-surgical options first.

Call today for an under eye treatment plan 973-763-7546

Kybella for non-surgical treatment of eye bags

Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable treatment used to reduce the appearance of submental fat, also known as a double chin. However, Kybella has also been shown to be effective in treating infraorbital fat pads, which are the pockets of fat that can form under the eyes and create the appearance of bags or dark circles.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is a non-surgical injectable treatment that uses a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid to break down and absorb fat cells. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps to digest dietary fat. When injected into the targeted area, Kybella causes the destruction of fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated by the body’s metabolic processes.

Kybella for Infraorbital Fat Pads

Infraorbital fat pads can be a frustrating cosmetic concern for many people. They can be difficult to hide with makeup and can make a person appear tired or older than they actually are. Traditional treatments for infraorbital fat pads have included surgical procedures such as blepharoplasty or fat grafting. However, these procedures come with risks, require downtime, and can be costly.

Kybella offers a non-surgical, minimally invasive alternative to surgical procedures for treating infraorbital fat pads. When injected into the under-eye area, Kybella works to break down and eliminate fat cells, resulting in a reduction in the appearance of under-eye bags or puffiness. The procedure is quick, relatively painless, and requires minimal downtime. Patients may experience some swelling or bruising after the procedure, but this typically subsides within a few days.

Who is a Good Candidate for Kybella?

Kybella is an excellent treatment option for people who have excess fat in the under-eye area and are looking for a non-surgical solution. Candidates for Kybella should be in good overall health, have realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure, and be willing to follow post-treatment instructions provided by their healthcare provider. It’s important to note that Kybella is not recommended for people with excessive skin laxity or who have other underlying medical conditions.

Dermal Filler for under eye bags

Dermal fillers can be an effective non-surgical treatment option for under eye bags. The use of fillers can help to smooth out the area under the eyes, reducing the appearance of bags and dark circles, and blunting the demarcation between the fat pad and the tear trough. By injecting a hyaluronic acid-based filler, such Volbella, under the eyes, a skilled dermatologist can add volume to hollow areas, creating a more youthful and refreshed appearance. The procedure is quick, relatively painless, and requires little to no downtime. Results can last up to a year, and touch-up treatments can help to maintain the desired look. However, it is important to consult with a qualified dermatologist to ensure that fillers are the right treatment option for your individual needs and to discuss potential risks or side effects.

Laser for under eye bags

CO2 laser resurfacing can be an effective non-surgical treatment option for under eye bags. The laser works by creating controlled micro-injuries in the skin, promoting the growth of new, healthy skin cells and stimulating collagen production. This can result in tighter, smoother skin under the eyes, reducing the appearance of bags and wrinkles. CO2 laser treatment is performed as an outpatient procedure and requires some downtime for healing and recovery. While results can be long-lasting, multiple treatments may be necessary to achieve the desired outcome. CO2 laser is often combined with other trreatment options, such as Kybella or filler.

Microneedling for under eye bags

Microneedling is a non-surgical treatment option for under eye bags that involves using a small device with tiny needles to create micro-injuries in the skin. This promotes the production of collagen and elastin, which can improve skin texture and firmness, reducing the appearance of bags and wrinkles under the eyes. The procedure is relatively quick, and downtime is minimal. Multiple treatments may be necessary to achieve optimal results, and the benefits of microneedling can last for several months to a year.

Call 973-763-7546 for an under eye treatment consultation today

**Results may vary patient to patient. There is no guarantee that any specific result can be achieved.
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