Hollywood Carbon Laser Peel

The Hollywood Carbon Laser Peel is a non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment that uses the advanced Revlite Q-Switched laser to remove dead cells, dirt, and oil from your skin’s deeper layers. The procedure involves applying a layer of carbon lotion on your face, which absorbs deep into your pores, making it more receptive to the laser’s energy. The laser’s high energy targets the carbon particles and stimulates collagen production, reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sun damage. The treatment is suitable for all skin types and has minimal side effects, making it a popular choice among those looking for quick and painless solutions to improve their skin’s texture, tone, and appearance.

Call 973-763-7546 to schedule a Hollywood Laser Carbon peel today.

The Hollywood Laser Treatment is Non-Invasive and Safe

The Hollywood Carbon Laser Peel is a non-invasive and safe procedure that doesn’t require any downtime. Unlike other skin rejuvenation treatments, such as chemical peels or dermabrasion, the laser peel is gentle and doesn’t damage your skin’s surface.

Fast and Effective

With Hollywood Carbon Laser Peel, you can achieve visible results in just one session. The laser’s high energy targets your skin’s deeper layers to stimulate collagen production, reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sun damage.

Minimal Side Effects

Unlike other skin rejuvenation treatments that can cause redness, peeling, and sensitivity, Hollywood Carbon Laser Peel has minimal side effects. You might experience some mild redness or tingling sensation, but it’s temporary and will subside within a few hours.

Pre-treatment Requirements

  1. Avoid Sun Exposure: Direct sun exposure can damage your skin and make it more sensitive to the laser. Therefore, it’s important to avoid tanning beds, sunbathing, and outdoor activities that expose your skin to direct sunlight for at least a week before the treatment.
  2. Avoid Skincare Products: Avoid using skincare products that contain retinol, retinoic acid, alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), or beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs) for at least three days before the treatment. These ingredients can increase your skin’s sensitivity and make it more prone to irritation during the procedure.
  3. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated can help improve your skin’s texture and elasticity, making it more receptive to the laser’s energy. Therefore, it’s recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water a day for a few days before the treatment.
  4. Inform Your Dermatologist: Inform your doctor about any medications, supplements, or medical conditions you have before the treatment. Certain medications and medical conditions can make your skin more sensitive, and your skincare expert may recommend adjusting the treatment accordingly.

By following these pre-treatment instructions, you can help ensure that your Hollywood Carbon Laser Peel treatment is safe, effective, and produces the best possible results.

What to Expect During the Treatment?

The Hollywood Carbon Laser Peel is a quick and painless procedure that typically takes around 30 minutes. Here’s what you can expect during your appointment:


Before the treatment, you’ll have a consultation with your dermatologist to assess your skin, discuss your concerns, and explain the procedure in detail. You will be advises on how to prepare your skin for the treatment and what to expect afterward.

Application of Carbon Lotion

Next, we will apply a layer of carbon lotion on your face. The lotion is infused with mineral-rich ingredients that absorb deep into your skin, making it more receptive to the laser’s energy.

Laser Treatment

Once the carbon lotion has been applied, your dermatologist will use the Revlite Q-Switched laser to target your skin’s deeper layers. The laser’s energy breaks down the carbon particles and removes dead cells, dirt, and oil from your pores. It also stimulates collagen production, promoting new skin cell growth.

Post-Treatment Care

After the treatment, we will apply a hydrating serum or moisturizer to soothe your skin and protect it from environmental damage. You will also be advises on how to care for your skin at home, such as avoiding direct sunlight, using a gentle cleanser, and moisturizing regularly.

Experience the Hollywood Carbon Laser Peel Today!

Are you ready to experience the Hollywood Carbon Laser Peel and transform your skin? Book your appointment today and discover the power of Revlite Q-Switched laser technology. You’ll leave our clinic feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and confident with your radiant new look.

Call 973-763-7546 to schedule a Hollywood Laser Carbon peel today.

**Results may vary patient to patient. There is no guarantee that any specific result can be achieved.
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