Please ask for our current non-Member prices.
For an immediate response, please call 973-763-7546 now. Or fill out the form below, and we will confirm by email within 24 hours.
Last Name*
First Name*
Date of Birth
Confirm Email *
Are you currently a patient?
Reason for Appointment
Which SOMA Skin & Laser Location?
Millburn, NJParamus, NJ
Enter three appointment days/times that work for you. We will confirm by email.
Date Time —Please choose an option—8 AM9 AM10 AM11 AM12 PM1 PM2 PM3 PM4 PM5 PM6 PM7 PM
Our hours of operations are: MILLBURN: Monday 9:00AM-5:00PM Wednesday 9:00AM-5:00PM Thursday 9:00AM-6:00PM Friday 8:00AM-3:00PM
PARAMUS: Monday 1PM-5PM Tuesday 9:00AM-4PM and 12PM-6PM (alternate weeks) Wednesday 1PM-4:30PM Thursday 9:30AM-12PM
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