Hidradenitis Supparativa Information and Treatment

Call 973-763-7546 for a Hidradenitis Suppurativa Consultation What is Hidradenitis Suppurativa? Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that affects follicles in the body folds, typically under the arms, under the breasts, the groin and genital area, buttocks, and perianal region. The clinical features of HS include recurrent painful inflammatory papules, nodules, abscesses,… Read More

Xepi Cream For Impetigo

Impetigo is a common superficial bacterial infection of the skin, typically treated with topical antibiotics. The bacteria involved in causing impetigo are S. aureus and S. pyogenes. Mupirocin, often under the brand name Bactroban, is commonly used to treat impetigo. Xepi, a  new topical antibiotic for treating impetigo has recently been approved. Xepi is a… Read More

Prurigo Nodularis – A Frustrating Problem

Prurigo nodularis (PN) describes a skin condition with firm itchy nodules, in which the skin changes are thought to be secondary to the repetitive trauma of scratching. The lesions can be skin-colored, brown, or red, sometimes with scale, crust, or erosion and ulceration. Lesions of prurigo nodularis are typically on the extensor aspects of the… Read More

Treatment of Chronic Urticaria (Hives)

Treatment of Urticaria (Hives) Most people will have a bout of hives in their lives. The causes of hives are many, including medications, infections, and physical inducers such as cold, heat, pressure, and sunlight, but for many cases a specific cause cannot be identified. Urticaria is typically classified as acute (<6 weeks) or chronic (>6… Read More

Tranexamic Acid For Melasma

Recently there has been a lot of excitement about the use of tranexamic acid for the treatment of melasma. Tranexamic acid is currently FDA-approved by prescription for the treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding, but off-label studies suggest that it is effective in the treatment of melasma when used at a low dose of 250 to… Read More

Eskata for Seborrheic Ketatoses

Eskata, a new treatment for seborrheic keratoses (SK) has been approved by the Food & Drug Administration. Eskata is a 40% solution of hydrogen peroxide with a custom applicator. In each treatment, each lesion may be treated up to four times, a minute apart. The treatment may be repeated several weeks later. Eskata joins other… Read More

Eczema Therapeutic Ladder

Call 973-763-7546 To Schedule Your Eczema Consultation Atopic dermatitis, usually called eczema, is one of the most common conditions encountered in dermatology, with itch typically the paramount symptom. Treating atopic dermatitis usually starts with a gradual escalation of treatments up the therapeutic ladder. Topical Therapies For Atopic Dermatitis Emollients and Skin Care.  The use of… Read More

Itchy Scalp (Scalp Pruritus)

Call 973-763-7546 For Your Itchy Scalp Consultation Now What is itchy scalp? Many people suffer from chronic itching of the scalp, a problem that can profoundly impact quality of life. Itchy scalp does not have one cause. The most common causes are: seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, contact dermatitis, and neuropathic itch. What else can cause an… Read More

HUMIRA (adalimumab) Approved for Hidradinitis Supparitiva

Recently the biologic HUMIRA (adalimumab) was approved by the FDA for the treatment of moderate to severe hidradenitis supparativa (HS), an often debilitating disease with inflammatory papules, cysts and sinuses in the groin, axilla, inframammary and buttocks areas. This is an exciting new addition to the armamentarium of treatments, which typically include topical and oral… Read More

First Topical Agent for Facial Erythema of Rosacea Approved

Brimonidine topical gel 0.33% (Mirvaso, Galderma Laboratories) has been approved by the FDA for facial redness resulting from rosacea in adults aged 18 years or older In clinical testing, the alpha 2 adrenergic agonist brimonidine topical gel yielded significantly greater improvement in the facial redness of rosacea than vehicle gel, according to the company sponsor… Read More